Educo Bangladesh, along with its implementing partners organized a ‘Project Inception Meeting 2022’ at the conference room of Union Parishad Office, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar. Local government officials, union parishad chairmen, head teachers at local primary schools, representatives Educo’s implement partners (JCF, SKUS, FIVBD & SKUS), technical partners and Country Director and Head of Humanitarian Projects of Educo Bangladesh were present in the meeting.
Detailed information on activities related to child protection, gender-based violence, education, and inclusive disaster risk reduction activities of Educo’s four projects in host community was explained in the meeting. Everyone expressed concern about student dropouts and child marriages in COVID-19 situation and the need to gather accurate information on this matter. They also pledged to work together to protect children and adolescents from violence, neglect, exploitation, and abuse. Many aspects of projects, society and reality came up in the meeting and all pledged to would work together.
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