To enhance the capacity of the staffs of Educo Bangladesh and its partner organizations (JCF and SKUS) on specific age and gender appropriate curriculum for adolescent groups, caregivers, teachers and religious leaders, Educo Bangladesh in Partnership with inSight arranged a 4-day long Training for Trainers in Cox’s Bazar Bangladesh from 26th to 29th September, 2021. The training is a part of the project “Protection of children and adolescents from various child protection violations, GBV and sexual violence in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps, Bangladesh”



  • Level-3, House 30 CWN (A), Road 42/43, Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212

  • Bangladesh
  • +88- 01714010475, 01819490965
  • (+880) (2) 41.080.858 – 9