Small Voices Big Dreams

Half of Children Globally Do Not Know About the Convention on the Rights of the Child


Thirty years into the convention, Educo says a lot still needs to be done in promoting the convention and the rights of children Even after 30 years since [...]

Half of Children Globally Do Not Know About the Convention on the Rights of the Child2020-06-25T12:17:25+00:00

“Voices of Children Key to Stopping the Global Scourge of Violence Against Them”


Global survey including almost 5,500 children from 15 countries reveals children feel poorly protected and unheard. Nine in 10 say recognizing child rights is key to preventing violence. [...]

“Voices of Children Key to Stopping the Global Scourge of Violence Against Them”2019-11-17T19:28:15+00:00
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