Breaking the Silence

Educo Bangladesh scales up support to more than 13,500 families, as COVID-19 forces many to compromise with their needs


Educo Bangladesh has recently supported more than 13,500 families with its emergency response during COVID-19 crisis. They distributed food to 1,000 marginalized indigenous families in Rajshahi and Chapai [...]

Educo Bangladesh scales up support to more than 13,500 families, as COVID-19 forces many to compromise with their needs2020-08-13T09:50:27+00:00

ALOY-ALOW project launched to work for the development of tea garden and haor areas in Moulvibazar


With a view to providing services to small ethnic groups, minorities, disadvantaged and at-risk mothers and children in the hard-to-reach remote areas of Moulvibazar project sharing meeting of [...]

ALOY-ALOW project launched to work for the development of tea garden and haor areas in Moulvibazar2020-08-19T17:52:39+00:00
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